Latina Lista > Life Issues > Environment > Survey says Latinos are the most stressed-out adults in the nation!

Survey says Latinos are the most stressed-out adults in the nation!

LatinaLista — The American Psychological Association (APA) released their annual Stress in America survey and the findings are not good for Latino adults.


Of all adults, Latinos are recorded as experiencing the highest levels of stress. Fifty percent of Latino adults reported to survey finders that stress has increased in their lives versus last year when only 44% reported having stress — the national average is 42%.

And just what are Latinos stressing out about more than blacks and Anglos?


Money is more likely to be seen as a significant source of stress among Hispanics (77 percent) than for Whites (68 percent) and Blacks (74 percent).

An interesting finding of the survey is that considering that Latinos are under-insured when it comes to health coverage, it isn’t as big a source of stress for Latinos as it is for other groups.

More Blacks report personal health concerns (57 percent vs. 46 percent for Whites and 42 percent for Hispanics) and family issues (64 percent of Blacks identified family responsibilities as a source of stress and 58 percent reported family health problems as a source of stress, compared with 53 percent and 45 percent for Whites and 60 percent and 51 percent for Hispanics, respectively) as significant sources of stress than other groups.

Maybe because Latinos have learned to live with the headaches, change in appetite, upset stomach, indigestion, fatigue, anxiety, nervousness and insomnia — by the way, all of which Latinos seem to suffer at higher rates due to stress than other ethnic groups according to the survey — that lend to the anecdotal observation (from Latina Lista) that while Latinos may be enduring all these symptoms and be the most stressed-out demographic, we’re doing a heck of a job coping with it.

That would make for an interesting follow-up study for sure.

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  • David O. Garcia
    November 3, 2009 at 2:13 pm

    When my grandfather was not feeling well his cure was to drink a purga or una yerba buena. My tios, on the other hand, ate great quantities of menudo, but it was their own damn fault they were so crudo.
    Yeah I’m stressed out, more so than I have ever been in my life, but I’m also dealing with it better than I would have earlier.

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