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Video: New Mexican artist draws on 10 generations of Latino history to create surreal masterpieces

LatinaLista — New Mexican artist Anita Rodriguez is a 10th-generation Taoseno whose art reflects the unique mezcla of “Native American ceremonialism, traditional curanderos, Mexican history and mysticism, Hispanic folk art, customs and religious art, and the living presence of the old Taos artists, their art and even traces of Crypto-Jews.”

The range of Rodriguez’s art is as varied as the places that claim one of her works. From state capitols, college campus museums and bank lobbies to the National Hispanic Cultural Center in New Mexico and even animal shelters, Rodriguez’s distinctive style, subject matter and use of color make her work stand out in whatever location and elevates the conversation into many areas beyond art.

In this video, Rodriguez explains how she looks at life and tries to find the patterns and rhythms that exist in reality but too often in dimensions invisible to the human eye — but not to her artist’s eye.

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