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Video: From hunching over crops to microscopes, one migrant’s journey to a dream fulfilled

LatinaLista — One of the most admired success stories of a literal rags-to-riches tale is the journey of the poor migrant farmworker from Mexico who aspired to be a doctor and went beyond his own dreams to become an imminent brain surgeon.

His name is Alfredo Quiñones-Hinojosa. The world knows him as Dr. Q.

Dr. Quiñones-Hinojsa is the Associate Professor of Neurosurgery and Oncology at Johns Hopkins Medical Center. The days of backbreaking labor picking crops has been replaced with days hunched over a microscope devoted to searching for the elusive cure for brain cancer.

Dr. Q and his team are on a mission to find out how brain cancer originates and how it spreads. His discovery will be worth more than any cash crop harvested in the world.

In the following lecture delivered as part of an UC Berkeley policy series, Dr. Q returns to his alma mater to share the story of his journey and his course for the future.

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