Latina Lista > Palabra Final > Economy > Wal-Mart rolls out five-year plan to help ease hunger in the U.S.

Wal-Mart rolls out five-year plan to help ease hunger in the U.S.

LatinaLista — It’s reported that hunger rates in the United States are the highest since 1995, with almost 15 percent of households not having enough nutritious food in their homes.

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Among these households are included: over 16 million children (ten states and Washington, DC have over 20 percent children) and more than 5 million seniors. Couple this bad news with on-the-ground reports from food banks reporting that more than half of them are seeing an increase in children as their clients and this reveals a trend that needs to be addressed now.

One company that is responding is Wal-Mart. Last week, the company announced that they would be donating more than 1.1 billion pounds of food from Walmart stores, distribution centers and Sam’s Club locations as part of a new five-year initiative dubbed Fighting Hunger Together.

According to the press release, the initiative is comprised of four key components:

— Donating more than 1.1 billion pounds of food from Walmart stores, distribution centers and Sam’s Club locations, valued at $1.75 billion;

— Grants totaling $250 million to support hunger relief organizations at the national, state and local levels;

— Mobilizing Walmart associates and customers. For example, Walmart’s logistics team will lend their expertise to help food banks become more efficient in their operations; and

— Collaboration with government, food manufacturers and other corporations that are fighting hunger to increase impact and reach a greater number of families in need.

A very cool part of this initiative is that Wal-Mart will also include their customers. Though details will be announced later this summer, it’s assumed that the stores will provide information to their customers on how to help local food banks, meal deliveries and other food organizations within their communities.

“By working together, we believe we can reach a day where no individual in this country has to go to bed hungry or worry if there will be food to put on the table tomorrow,” said Eduardo Castro-Wright, Walmart’s vice chairman.



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