Latina Lista: News from the Latinx perspective > Life Issues > Education > Site offers students a new way to raise money to offset college costs

Site offers students a new way to raise money to offset college costs

LatinaLista — It’s no news that college costs are rising and a real fear that many students, who deserve to go, will be unable to afford it. Families are stretched thin and the economy is sinking but, believe it or not, there are people out there who still have a dollar(s) to spare and just might not mind “sponsoring” a student.

Yup, it’s an old idea that’s been around schools for years — students find sponsors to pay for their participation in a good cause. What better cause is there than making good grades?
A new site called GradeFund takes the sponsorship concept to a whole new level:

Students invite their friends and family to sponsor their drive for good grades. Sponsors choose grade levels and sponsorship amounts for each grade (as low as $5). Each semester students upload their transcript.
We verify grades, collect money from sponsors, and send it to schools or students depending on sponsor preferences. For individuals or companies that want to create an educational cause, they select the classes and grade levels at the universities they want to sponsor. We send the money to the eligible students who achieve the target performance levels.

No having to take time away from studying to qualify for loans, apply for scholarships or sweating where the next money is going to come from for that overpriced textbook.
In looking over the site, it’s easy to see that if you create an account at GradeFund and expect people to find you, estas soñando (you’re dreaming). Just like in junior high when you had to go door-to-door signing up sponsors or calling family and friends to sponsor you, there is some marketing involved.
But the end result would be so worth it and the best part is you don’t have to pull a hamstring to do it.

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