Latina Lista > Media > Games > US Census hopes game app spurs interest in learning about the 50 states

US Census hopes game app spurs interest in learning about the 50 states

LatinaLista — Over the last twenty years, the average American, especially young people, have been dropping in their basic knowledge of the 50 states. The U.S. Census aims to address this national embarrassment with a new free app making a game out of the data the Census Bureau collects for its American Community Survey.

The Census PoP Quiz features fun facts and trivia about each of the 50 states. It also tests players’ knowledge of some of the more obscure state facts, like how many people in Miami walk to work or what percentage of the civilian employees in Alabama work in one of four industries or how many people were actually born in Arizona?

Correct answers are tallied to earn badges that can be shared via social media. Once badges from each state challenge is earned then players can access the “National Challenge.”

The animated graphics and accompanying music round out a good effort to make us all aware of what life is like for our fellow Americans in their respective states. Too bad it has to be a game for us to want to know.

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