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Video: Award-winning artist explains how to bypass success to hold on to creativity

LatinaLista — Artist and renown graphic programmer Joshua Davis doesn’t like looking back. He prefers to focus on the present but in this featured talk hosted by 99U, Davis takes a retrospective look at his 15-year artistic career and shares how “to escape success to keep creativity alive.”

In a humorous and slightly profane presentation, Davis shares with the audience his journey as an award-winning, Hall of Fame-inducted artist. The problem with achieving his goals so early in his career, according to Davis, is that all the early success tended to make him lazy and too comfortable.

He lost his fear — something that he attributes to driving him to try new things and setting himself on paths for a new set of goals and another kind of success.

For anyone who has achieved their goals and wonders what is there left for them to achieve, this presentation offers the kind of experience that is worth paying attention to because, as Davis shows, the answer is as simple as knowing yourself.

Joshua Davis: Never Let Success Get in the Way of Creativity from 99U on Vimeo.

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