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Video: Changing our mind(set) on fulfilling our full potential

LatinaLista — The ability to believe in yourself is a skill that isn’t only life-changing but a game-changer in the bigger scheme of achieving success.

In the featured TEDx talk delivered in 2012 by Eduardo Briceño, co-founder and CEO of Mindset Works, Briceño explains the difference between a fixed and growth mindset and how one simply perceives intelligence and abilities can make all the difference for a person to achieve success.

Based on research in the field of motivation by Stanford University professor Carol Dweck, mindset is more than just how we perceive things but it shapes goals, attitudes and influences how we raise our children, get along with co-workers and our performance at work and in relationships. In other words, it’s what defines how we fulfill our potential.

When students or adults see their abilities as fixed, whether they think they’re naturals or just not built for a certain domain, they avoid challenge and lose interest when things get hard. Conversely, when they understand that abilities are developed, they more readily adopt learning-oriented behaviors such as deliberate practice and grit that enable them to achieve their goals.

If we are to develop our potential, we have to start thinking differently ~ Eduardo Briceño

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