Latina Lista > Life Issues > Environment > VIDEO: With climate change worsening, hope is but a tree away

VIDEO: With climate change worsening, hope is but a tree away

LatinaLista — Climate change is getting worse. The stats prove it. A recent report by the American Meteorological Society found that greenhouse gases, sea levels and global temperatures — key indicators of climate change — rose in 2013. It’s a trend that scientists don’t foresee “cooling down.”

The rise in these key stats means that what’s happening now across the world — years-long droughts, freak lightening storms, super-cell tornados, rising sea levels and spikes in global temperatures — won’t only just continue, but worsen. The human cost of these climate changes will be incalculable.

But there may be some hope on the horizon.

A national study conducted by the USDA Forest Service found that trees collectively save more than 850 lives on an annual basis by doing something that humans don’t seem to have the political or moral will to do.

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