Latina Lista > News > April 11, 2023

April 11, 2023

Can people truly be impartial? From personal experience, I’ve found that if someone doesn’t have, as the saying goes, “a dog in the fight,” they’re more apt to see things objectively. However, if they have strong feelings on a particular topic/issue, then they’ll most likelier than not, be biased in how they perceive what’s before them. The judicial system used to be regarded as the last bastion of impartiality. However, recent rulings by various GOP-appointed judges shows that’s no longer the case, if it ever was. People are inherently biased and no matter how impartial they think they are, it’s inevitable their own prejudices/assumptions will win. Case in point: The recent ruling by a Texas judge against the continuation of a FDA-approved abortion pill. The fact that one (Republican) judge in Texas, known for his anti-abortion stance, and a (Democratic) judge in Washington state that ruled in favor of it, underscore this bias that’s inherent in each of us. The solution? Either find justices who really just look at the word of the law – which the Dem judge appeared to be doing in his ruling and didn’t cite pro-abortion verbiage, as opposed as the GOP judge who used actual anti-abortion rhetoric in his own ruling. Or let ChatGPT decide; The FBI warns us all not to be too quick to plug our phones in these kinds of charging stations; Economists see a full-blown recession barreling our way; The largest habitat on Earth just got global protection; and Italian archeologists discovered a new technique promising to revolutionize archeology. Go beyond the headlines…

FBI warns: Don’t use public phone charging stations

Europe’s new wall: Finland is building a 124-mile-long border fence to protect itself from Russia

Texas federal judge’s 67-page ruling echoes anti-abortion rhetoric

Bank of America shares 12 charts that show that the economy is about to enter a full-blown recession

The largest habitat on Earth is finally getting protection

New technique revolutionizes analyzing archaeological bones

From brain waves, this AI can sketch what you’re picturing

New smartphone app aims to make legislature easier to understand

Mexican teenager’s project aims to preserve Oaxaca’s Zapotec embroidery

‘Coffee with legs’: inside Chile’s risque and antiquated cafe culture

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