Latina Lista > News > August 9, 2021

August 9, 2021

The starkest, most dire environmental report was released overnight. The delusion some people and political leaders around the world continue to labor under, that climate change is as much a hoax as Covid, at the most should be convinced, at the least, they should be as scared as us all if policies aren’t put into place to stem the fatal direction of our planet; Has the Biden admin had enough with fleeing families from Central America? It appears so; A cartoon abuela is helping boost vaccination rates; and Now, over half of this southern neighbor’s population is in poverty due to Covid. That’s not good news for the Biden admin trying to get a handle on immigration surges. Go beyond the headlines…

‘Code red for humanity’: UN report gives stark warning on climate change, warns wild weather events will worsen

IPCC climate report: Profound changes are underway in Earth’s oceans and ice – a lead author explains what the warnings mean

The Biden Administration Is Planning To Restart Controversial Border Flights To Expel Immigrant Families

Covid-19 cases now fall into 3 distinct categories

Census experts puzzled by high rate of unanswered questions

Latino vaccination rates are high in one Maryland County. A cartoon grandmother helped.

This parking garage is a high-tech research lab

New fintech app powers the circular economy

Guatemala is key to Biden’s migrant policy. Its corruption is worsening.

Pandemic pushes Mexico’s poverty figures up: the poor number 55.7 million

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