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Crowdfunder: Backpacks for the Homeless

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Campaign: BACKatYOU: Backpacks for the Homeless

BACK@YOU was created to help open people’s eyes to those that so many walk blindly by each day. The homeless are not invisible, and should not be treated as if they don’t exist.

Everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and kindness and it should be remembered that no one is less of a person for not having a home.

With those principles as their guide, BACK@YOU simply fills backpacks with some essential supplies and basic comforts to share with their homeless neighbors.

Their volunteers distribute these backpacks when the cold weather approaches. They make each of the backpacks to show its recipient that someone cares.

Each backpack costs approximately $75 when filled with the following items (not counting the handmade scarf):

Knit hats
Men’s thermal socks
Knit gloves
Composition notebooks
Disposable razors
Chap Stick
Hand sanitizer
Toothbrushes and toothpaste
Antibacterial wipes
Fleece throws
XLarge hoodies
Small LED flashlights

Citypak Project in Chicago has given away more than 15,000 backpacks to homeless friends across the U.S. This fall, BACK@YOU will partner with them to receive over 200 backpacks.

They will take it one step further by filling each of these backpacks with the above necessities and a scarf made with love.

Each recipient will know that someone cares about and respects them. BACK@YOU wants to give them respect and the knowledge that we’ve got their backs.

The campaign’s goal $3,000 and ends in 2 months.

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