Latina Lista > Causes > Crowdfunding > Crowdfunder: Syndicated Latino cartoonist to teach craft to students of Pine Ridge Reservation

Crowdfunder: Syndicated Latino cartoonist to teach craft to students of Pine Ridge Reservation

LatinaLista —

Campaign: Lalo Alcaraz’s Trip to Pine Ridge

On May 1-2, 2015, nationally syndicated cartoonist Lalo Alcaraz will travel to Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota, along with, “Without Reservations” cartoonist Ricardo Caté, to conduct a cartooning workshop for almost 60 Native American students from the American Horse School.

Donations will go towards airfare and cartooning supplies.

“To be completely clear and transparent, my flights from DC to Rapid City, South Dakota, plus car rental to drive to Pine Ridge and then fly back to LA are around $1200, because I’m not flying out from Los Angeles.

I am working at the Smithsonian as a consultant for the Natural History Museum on April 30. This makes travel double the cost of what a round trip from LAX to Rapid City would be. Also, I’d like to raise at least $500 to purchase enough art supplies for 60 students, like sketchbooks, paper, pens, pencils etc.”

The campaign’s goal has been surpassed but Alcaraz plans to use extra funds to plan future workshops.

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