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Crowdfunding Campaign: Creating a Wikipedia for plant-growing advice

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Campaign: Creating a Wikipedia for plant growing advice

OpenFarm is a free and open database for farming and gardening knowledge. Similar to Wikipedia, the data is free for everyone to access and anyone can contribute content.

Because people grow plants differently based on environmental conditions and growing practices, OpenFarm provides a framework for everyone to share their story, and for learners to find the best, most relevant content.

OpenFarm Growing Guides are structured stories for growing a specific plant with particular practices and environmental conditions.

OpenFarm is not just for edible plants! Growing Guides could be written for flowers, mosses, trees, vines, and other ornamentals. The Growing Guides could be written for hydroponic and aeroponic growing, as well as for water plants.

All of OpenFarm’s data will be licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, accessible both online and mobile, allowing everyone to:

Share – copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format; and

Adapt – remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.

The campaign’s goal is $7,500 and ends on September 13.

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