Latina Lista > News > February 12, 2021

February 12, 2021

The influx of migrants across our southern border is a dilemma that has faced presidential administrations ever since the US acquired Mexican territory. The reason why the US is such a magnet to immigrants is because of plentiful low-paying jobs, access to education and opportunities to rise above whatever station of life a person is born into. We have our problems but the rampant corruption that plagues Latin American society, where too many politicians put their financial comfort above the needs of their fellow citizens, and the impunity of cartel lawlessness, make the US that ‘beacon’ of hope to many victimized by circumstances out of their control. And things may get worse. Hondurans who lost everything in the last hurricane are increasingly eyeing ‘el Norte;’ Biden says, no more waiting in Mexico to asylum seekers; Does ethnicity/race really impact how police officers approach law enforcement; and What if you could wear earphones that provide real-time translation into any one of 40 languages? Go beyond the headlines…

Biden to begin admitting migrants forced by Trump to wait in Mexico

Politicians Encouraged To Learn Spanish, Not Just Fake It During Campaigns

Biden rescinds national emergency proclamation Trump used to fund border wall

Chicago’s Black and Hispanic police use force less than white officers – study

How the Trump era encouraged publicly funded discrimination in adoption and foster care

Among Latino immigrants, false vaccine claims are spreading as fast as the virus

U.S. cities segregated not just by where people live, but where they travel daily

Asteroid the size of the Golden Gate Bridge will whiz past Earth in March

Earphones that provide real-time translation of 40 languages

TikTok partners with Whisk to pilot a recipe-saving feature on food videos

Desperation grows in battered Honduras, fueling migration

Indigenous leader becomes surprise contender in Ecuador’s presidential election

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