Latina Lista > News > June 11, 2020

June 11, 2020

Grim news overnight highlights how risky it is to think we are passed the worst of the novel coronavirus. Across the country, people are not only reveling in being out and shopping at stores, socializing with friends or protesting in large marches but too many are doing it without wearing a mask — and we’re witnessing the consequences. Medical experts tell us that if the trend continues the country will only climb higher in positive cases. Bottom line: WEAR A MASK AND DEMAND OTHERS AROUND YOU DO THE SAME! Some people are taking the virus seriously and while it’s a good thing, it’s spelling trouble for voter registration and good news for those who want to suppress the vote of minority voters; Early analysis of polls shows Latino voters don’t hold Biden in as high regard as they did Clinton; and One Central American country is on its way to criminalizing the oldest form of discrimination — street sexual harassment. Go beyond the headlines…

U.S. coronavirus cases surpass 2 million

Latino groups fight voter suppression efforts as US election nears

U.S. voter registration plummets during coronavirus pandemic, challenging both parties

Biden is doing worse than Clinton among Hispanic voters

A majority of Americans say immigrants mostly fill jobs U.S. citizens do not want

13 significant protests that changed the course of history

U.S. Soccer allows players to kneel during national anthem

‘Lab-on-a-chip’ blood test could spot breast cancer early

Anonymous Camera is a new app that uses AI to quickly anonymize photos and videos

Cuba’s clean rivers show the benefits of reducing nutrient pollution

Legislation against street sexual harassment advances in Costa Rican Congress

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