Latina Lista > News > June 12, 2020

June 12, 2020

Trump’s immigration restrictionists have had a field day during the pandemic in contorting the nation’s immigration policies to fit their goal of eliminating Mexican migration. First, they blamed migrants. Now, they have a new target. This time, they could actually achieve their goal; The CDC has fallen below their usual standards when handling the COVID-19 outbreak and there’s news that they are continuing the downward spiral as it relates to Native Americans; New study predicts over 1 billion people worldwide will suffer this consequence of the virus; and Abandoned animals in Bolivia have their own “guardian angel.” Go beyond the headlines…

CDC turns down Native American tribal epidemiologists’ requests for data that it’s making freely available to states

Trump administration proposes cracking down on migrants trying to claim asylum in US

White House floating theory that travel from Mexico source of virus spike

Life on welfare isn’t what most people think it is

Immigrants sue for delayed naturalizations during coronavirus

Voting And Elections Divide Republicans And Democrats Like Little Else. Here’s Why

Study warns of poverty surge to over 1 billion due to virus

Plastic dust is blowing into U.S. national parks—more than 1000 tons each year

Amateur bird watchers and citizen scientists can soon contribute to new research with an app called Chipper

Bolivia’s Guardian Angel for Abandoned Cats and Dogs

Top Mexican labour lawyer arrested after activism in US-owned factories

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