June 12, 2023

One of today’s headlines highlights a problem the US government has but one that nobody is really talking about — our military readiness. We know that our government has been generous to Ukraine by giving many of our military weapons to the small country to fight against Russian troops. And we know that Ukraine, not being a NATO member, has been denied US troops. However, you don’t have to be a mathematical genius to understand that subtracting from our own stock of weapons leaves us with less, and years of voluntary enlistment doesn’t mean we have sufficient soldiers to defend our own country/interests if attacked. In fact, one news story last week said that China, among other countries, is counting on us not having the weapon or soldier-power to defend ourselves. So maybe that’s why the US military is resurrecting an old policy for immigrants who want to become US citizens; Trump did a lot of damage to our country on the international stage and one way he accomplished this was by quitting several international agencies that served the betterment of the world. The Biden admin just announced that we’re rejoining one that does a lot of global good; Would you really be surprised to know by how much hard liquor consumption has gone up?; and a man in the UK is astounding mathematicians around the world with the discovery of a new shape. Go beyond the headlines!

U.S. tells UNESCO it has decided to rejoin agency Trump quit

How Ukraine’s dam collapse is turning into a slow-moving ecological catastrophe

Join the military, become a US citizen: Uncle Sam wants you and vous and tu

Title 42 didn’t result in a surge of migration, after all – but border communities are still facing record-breaking migration

Hard liquor consumption is up 60 percent since the 1990s

How AI Could Take Over Elections—And Undermine Democracy

UK hobbyist stuns math world with ‘amazing’ new shapes

Feeling Wobbly? A New App Developed at NYU Can Test Your Balance

Indigenous knowledge, bravery, vigilance: how young siblings survived in Colombia’s perilous jungle

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