Latina Lista > News > June 15,2020

June 15,2020

Where is Vanessa Guillen? It’s been about 2 months since this 20-year-old Latina soldier stationed at Ft. Hood, Texas disappeared. Beyond the local news, outside media hasn’t picked up the story or the push to find her. This is where ‘la gente’ needs to step up!; Face masks are not meant to be a political statement or a fashion statement but a public sign that the coronavirus is real, lethal and everyone has the responsibility to keep from spreading it; Will the Supreme Court pass the buck on DREAMers, and to whom?; With the Georgia voting debacle, did Dems’ fears about November GOP voter suppression tactics just get more real?; and Why are Christians feeling like it’s the Roman times in Nicaragua these days? Go beyond the headlines…

Where is Vanessa Guillen? Up to $15K reward offered for information that leads to beloved missing Fort Hood soldier

Face masks critical in preventing spread of COVID-19

Supreme Court could force Congress into battle over Dreamers

Democratic fears grow over 2020 voter suppression

Rancor Erupts In ‘LA Times’ Newsroom Over Race, Equity And Protest Coverage

California prosecutors routinely strike Black and Latino people from juries, report says

Why soldiers might disobey the president’s orders to occupy US cities

Airbnb’s new plan to measure discrimination on its service

Looking to buy a bicycle? The pandemic led to a boom and shortage around the world

New App Helps Patients Recall The Details Of Doctor Visits

Peru archbishop fills cathedral with portraits of Covid-19 victims

Persecution of Christians, particularly the Catholic Church, on the rise in Nicaragua

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