Latina Lista > News > June 4, 2021

June 4, 2021

Is the Biden administration moving too slowly on the issues that got him elected? If you think Biden was only elected for his promises regarding DREAMers or immigration or student debt or …then Biden’s glacial pace in some of these areas is disappointing but considering the developing threats from Russia, China, cyberhackers, Iran, North Korea, etc. it’s understandable. So, it was surprising to learn that the White House, unlike its predecessor, doesn’t make a spectacle of every move they make: The U.S. gov’t handpicked a group of orgs that work with immigrants to make recommendations to the White House as to whom should be allowed in the country; A top manufacturing group is lobbying Congress on behalf of DREAMers; Mexican border cities will soon receive 1 million things that the Mexican gov’t has been asking for and Innovative new app helps police more effectively interact with communities of different cultures. Go beyond the headlines…

Top manufacturing group presses Congress to protect ‘Dreamers’

An undercount of Latinos killed by police

U.S. Sending 1 Million Coronavirus Vaccines To Mexico Border Cities, Resort Spots

US taps groups to pick asylum-seekers to allow into country

Latino Wall Street, Two Years of Empowering the Latino Community Worldwide To Invest in the Stock Market

From ‘Selena’ to ‘Veneno,’ Hollywood Appears High on Latino Biopics

Puppies are wired to communicate with people, study shows

Teens have a hard time finding truth online

Hybrid solar lighting system makes clean energy more affordable

New App Aims to Help San Diego Police Understand Cultural Norms of 11 Area Communities

Mexico City Could Sink Up to 65 Feet

Protests in Colombia, Elections in Peru, and Other Chaos in the Andes

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