Latina Lista > News > June 5, 2023

June 5, 2023

The recent US Census release analyzing findings of the 2020 Census shows that Whites make up the majority of the aging population and Hispanics comprise the majority of the youngest population. Read in between the lines and you know what the future holds for all those Maga extremists who think they’re immortal. However, it seems many Americans aren’t feeling the pressure to walk down the aisle; Ever since we pulled out of Afghanistan, officials have known life would be hard, if not impossible, for those left behind. Now, we know just how bad it’s been, especially for the girls; The US may still be seen as ‘beacon’ of opportunity, hope and refuge. Unfortunately, the reality is much different and it’s costing many of us our lives though we’ve never experienced formal combat; and Want to make your time count for something? Even when you’re on holiday? There’s a new platform for helping everyone make a positive impact while on vacation. Go beyond the headlines…

Americans are waiting longer and longer to get married

Nearly 80 primary schoolgirls believed poisoned in Afghanistan

Charted: Growing global acceptance of gay and lesbian people

Top economist says the US economy is a ‘dead man walking’ – and warns of a ‘hard landing’ ahead

A quarter of all children in the U.S. are Latino, U.S. census study finds

US life expectancy disadvantage is worse than previously believed, according to new study

Scientists claim they’re the first to transmit space-based solar power to Earth

A booking platform for positive impact holidays

Mexico’s remittances up 6.3% annually, reaching US $5B in April

El Salvador president pledges white-collar prison in ‘war’ on corruption

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