Latina Lista > News > November 1, 2021

November 1, 2021

This day marks the beginning of whether or not the highest court in the Land will defend a woman’s right to choose. Though many may see Roe v. Wade as a religious issue, the ramifications of the Supreme Court’s decision extends beyond religion; Data determines success or failure. Ten Institutions serving Latino students have data to thank for their new rankings; Why does so little of philanthropic donations go to women’s and girls’ charities?; and Global leaders may be in Scotland debating the future of our planet, but one thing is clear — Mother Nature isn’t waiting. Go beyond the headlines…

Supreme Court hears arguments on the restrictive Texas abortion law

What abortion access would look like if Roe v. Wade is overturned

Ten Institutions Earn “Seal of Excelencia” by Proving Latino Student Success Through Data

Diet-related diseases pose a major risk for Covid-19. But the U.S. overlooks them.

Less than 2% of all US giving supports women’s and girls’ charities

“Bad For Humans”: The World Is On Track To Warm 3 Degrees Celsius This Century

Study details environmental impacts of early Chaco residents

App lets you buy leftover restaurant food. Is it worth it?

Gothic becomes Latin America’s go-to genre as writers turn to the dark side

Mexico’s bars urged to turn off reggaeton because they foster disrespect for women

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