October 15, 2024

During times of high-stakes, high-profile elections, it’s not unexpected that people see polling of any one particular group to be partisan. So, when 68 percent of economists surveyed about each candidate’s impact on the future of inflation, the national deficit, and interest rates saw a clear winner, it’s bound to upset one side. Yet, the headline “Economists expect higher inflation, deficits, interest rates under Trump than Harris” strikes at the heart of what could become a central economic debate. The numbers don’t just reflect preferences—they highlight contrasting visions for the future of fiscal policy and economic stability, with real consequences for voters deciding between two drastically different paths forward; Israel has decimated Gaza in their effort to eliminate Hamas, and now Lebanon is suffering the hits because Hamas calls it home. One has to wonder just how much longer people in the region will suffer since the rest of the world seems to look the other way as Israel conducts its strategy for retribution; Companies and universities couldn’t drop their DEI programs fast enough but some in Congress are calling for a full stop on getting rid of it entirely; and It was first reported last year that a mysterious fleet of drones buzzed the skies near Colorado. Now, it’s happening over a US military base. Friend, Foe or — Extraterrestrial? Go beyond the headlines…

Economists expect higher inflation, deficits, interest rates under Trump than Harris: Poll

UN refugee agency says 25% of Lebanon under Israeli evacuation orders

Migrant deaths in New Mexico have increased tenfold

Members of Congress call on companies to retain DEI programs as court cases grind on

No country still uses an electoral college − except the US

Unidentified Drone Swarm over US Military Base Sparks Alarm

Eating Less Can Extend Lifespan But There’s a Hidden Catch, Scientists Say

This Year’s Hottest App Is a Wildfire Tracker

‘Many are obliged to sleep with the foreman’: Bolivia’s female builders square up to an abusive system

Mexico is struggling to stamp out a homophobic soccer chant ahead of the World Cup

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