September 1, 2023

It’s ironic that this Labor Day, as we all look forward to a 3-day weekend, work is on the minds of at least 61 percent of Americans; Did the Nobel organization just underscore that there are some things that go beyond politics?; Hundreds of new laws have gone into effect and student loan interest is one of those; The Pentagon has set up a web site billed as a “one-stop-shop” for UFO data, or at least what they’re willing to share; Turkish archeologists just made another amazing discovery that forces a rethink of human history; and New wearable device makes ‘strides’ in giving the visually impaired a way to see. Go beyond the headlines…

61% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck — inflation is still squeezing budgets

Nobel body reverses invitation policy. Russia, Belarus, Iran and far-right leader are welcome

Student loan interest starts again Sept. 1. Here’s what to know

Here’s the Pentagon’s ‘One-Stop Shop’ for UFO Data

Marijuana could be classified as a lower-risk drug. Here’s what that means.

New wearable device uses touch to tell you where to go

Archaeologists in Turkey have identified massive structures below a Roman-era castle

New app helps addicts connect with treatment services

More flight cuts planned at Mexico City hub, internal document shows

Peruvian writers tell of a future rooted in the past and contemporary societal issues

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