Latina Lista > News > September 25, 2024

September 25, 2024

Do Americans tell the truth in surveys? While the margin of error in surveys is typically calculated by taking into account the sample size and the variability of responses, it doesn’t factor in the potential for dishonesty. This means that even if a survey is methodologically sound and statistically accurate, the results can still be skewed if people lie. Topics like politics, personal habits, or controversial issues often see higher levels of dishonesty, as people may feel pressure to present themselves in a certain light. As a result, while the margin of error provides a useful metric for statistical uncertainty, it doesn’t capture this human element of dishonesty, potentially making the survey worthless. That’s why an another kind of survey measured people’s ‘secret opinions.’ What was found is ‘revealing;’ We know Russia and China have struck up a friendship of necessity. The proof is in their latest joint project; Have you checked how many photos you carry around on your phone? If you’re like most of us, it’s probably somewhere in the thousands — and you don’t know how to archive those photos to save precious space; and AI is proving more useful to scientists, especially archeologists in Peru who, with the help of AI, just made a new discovery in the Nazca Desert. Go beyond the headlines…

Global survey: Social media owners, politicians and governments biggest threats to trustworthy online news environment

Russia has secret war drones project in China, intel sources say

America’s secret opinions

American consumers are feeling less confident as concerns about jobs take center stage

How to archive your photos in the digital age

Archaeologists use AI to find hundreds of geoglyphs in Peru’s Nazca Desert

Scientists Revive 1,000-Year-Old Biblical Tree From Seed Found In A Judean Cave

New app that helps incoming students form connections sees success in first month

Colombia tries former “Best Soldier of the Americas” for 72 homicides

U.S. to hand over pest inspections of Mexican avocados to Mexico

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