Latina Lista > Palabra Final > Diversity > 24 hours before the U.S. officially becomes a majority “Multicultural Nation”

24 hours before the U.S. officially becomes a majority “Multicultural Nation”

LatinaLista — The popular saying, “We are a nation of immigrants” might need to be rephrased come Friday, August 22 at 7:56 EST. At that precise time, the nation will officially reach a tipping point and become a majority Multicultural Nation.

Though the U.S. Census projected the country wouldn’t reach this important milestone until 2043, the folks at EthniFacts Interethnic Proximity Index (IPI) analyzed some other contributing factors that they say has speeded up the multicultural milestone. They created an “algorithm that takes into account multiracial populations, intermarried couples, co-habitating households, and residence location among other factors to provide a truer indicator of multicultural influence in American society and New Mainstream consumer markets.”

There’s little doubt this is happening. Headlines this week from the Department of Education stating that public schools this fall would be majority minority are proof. Bi-racial — read multicultural — children are often classified as minorities and are certainly a part of the school-age population.

“America is about to be rediscovered,” said Guy Garcia, president of Mainstream Initiatives for Ethnifacts. “The CulturEdge Countdown Clock tipping point date is a wake up call and a confirmation and validation of demographic and social change with enormous implications for all Americans. The reimagining of America starts today, and we are all part of the journey together.”

So what does being a Multicultural Nation mean?

It means greater awareness and action on diversity should take precedence in boardrooms, on college campuses, in all industry hiring practices. It means that it’s no longer a “nice” gesture for Hollywood and networks to include a few actors of color on their television shows, in their movies, or as hosts of their programs — it’s now a necessity for media if they want to remain relevant to their viewers.

A multicultural nation emphasizes the fact that people no longer fit nicely under a label – or on one side of town versus another.

The recognition and appreciation of multiculturalism brings the nation one step closer to understanding that racial equality is on the horizon. It’s a realization that no doubt will spark more violence before it’s understood that a multicultural nation is our destiny — and it’s already here.

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