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May 25, 2020

Today is Memorial Day! As the name implies, we ‘memorialize’ all those who have served in the US Military. We honor their service and sacrifice. But too often that’s the end of it. After leaving the military, too many…


March 12, 2020

Unlike what Trump wants us all to believe, the coronavirus is not the flu. According to CDC, it is 10 times deadlier. In last night’s address from the Oval Office, Trump announced a ban on travel from mainland Europe….

By Miguel Perez Hidden Hispanic Heritage As if he was a field commander rallying his troops, “the dean of Florida historians” was distributing ammunition among those who fight to correct American history, especially those who try to dispel the…

By Katherine Leal Unmuth Latino Ed Beat A Florida scholarship program known as Bright Futures may soon no longer have such a sunny reputation. Recently announced eligibility requirement changes mean that significantly fewer Latino and black students will qualify…

La Costa Latina PENSACOLA — At the young age of 20, Bryan Mejia accomplished what many college students struggle to do. He received his diploma and secured a job within his field. On February 1, he celebrated his graduation…

La Costa Latina PENSACOLA, FL—Two Honduran advocates for the disabled spent time in Pensacola in September to meet with local groups concerning disability rights, therapy, and educational opportunities. The visitors, both blind, were accompanied by their personal assistants and…

La Costa Latina NORTHERN FLORIDA — The Pew Institute reports that Florida’s Latino population is the third-largest in the nation. More than 4.2 million Hispanics reside in Florida which make up 8% of all Hispanics in the United States….