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By Kristal Bivona, Sandra Ruiz, and Daniel Ward Language Magazine Kristal Bivona, Sandra Ruiz, and Daniel Ward discuss the movements and histories that made Spanish such an important language for activism El pueblo unido jamás será vencido… U.S.-based activists,…

By Daniel Ward Language Magazine Use of the Spanish language has been growing steadily since the 16th century, but has suddenly accelerated over the last century — in the late 19th century, there were some 60 million Spanish speakers,…

By Bess Connolly Martell Futurity Researchers are working to document sentences like “Here’s you a piece of pizza.” Though it sounds totally normal to some English speakers in the United States, it strikes others as totally bizarre. The Yale…

By Victoria Indivero Futurity “Learning and practicing something, for instance a second language, strengthens the brain,” says Ping Li, professor of psychology, linguistics, and information sciences and technology at Penn State. “Like physical exercise, the more you use specific…

By Britta Schneider Language Magazine As a linguist focusing on language and globalization, I became interested in the language use and linguistic identity of Spanish speakers abroad. Surprisingly, in countless Google searches on Spanish users in Europe and Australia,…

By Angelika Putintseva Language Magazine How many languages can a child learn simultaneously? WorldSpeak Language School in Los Angeles, California, has very young students learning three, four, and even five. It is a multilingual full-immersion preschool where children learn…

By Alex Rappaport Language Magazine Alex Rappaport argues that word acquisition may be the easiest way to close the achievement gap One promise of public education is to level the playing field across the socioeconomic and ethnic spectrum. Unfortunately,…

By Daniel Ward Language Magazine Last month, the Department of Education’s Office of Postsecondary Education announced the appointment of a new Deputy Assistant Secretary for International and Foreign Language Education — Clay Pell, the grandson of former senator Claiborne…