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By Antonio Gonzalez ncluido I was just reading an article by some knucklehead lamenting the lack of Latino leaders fighting Trump’s anti-immigrant policies. Then I read an article questioning if electing more Latinos in Arizona makes a difference for the community. I’m…

By Kelly Lytle Hernandez The Conversation It was not always a crime to enter the United States without authorization. In fact, for most of American history, immigrants could enter the United States without official permission and not fear criminal…

By Bert Gambini Futurity Customizing political news online to filter out what doesn’t align with your beliefs may have real-world negative effects on democracy. A new study, published in the journal Computers in Human Behavior is among the first to experimentally test the…

By Musa al-Gharbi The Conversation In 2008, Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama outperformed his predecessors John Kerry and Al Gore with virtually every single demographic group, handily defeating his Republican rival John McCain. This success spread to down-ballot races as well….


The fear election

By Ron Chandler The Conversation Whether you support Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton, fear might be the biggest factor driving you to the polls. Over the weekend, pollster Peter Hart told NBC News that this has been “an election about fear.”…