#FindVanessaGuillen. The Trump administration will be remembered in history as abandoning action dictated by sound policy to executing reckless actions based entirely on racism, prejudice, discrimination — and little regard to the legality, personal consequences or long-term fiscal impact….
Social Justice, zNew Headline
Guest Voz: I’m an Undocumented Taxpayer. Here’s How My Taxes Are Used Against My Values.
By Layidua Salazar Rewire.News Tax Day is here and with it comes the reminder of my status in the United States as an undocumented taxpayer—meaning someone who doesn’t have a legal pathway to citizenship, despite having temporary protection from…
BlogBeat, zNew Headline
Ahead of government shutdown, Congress sets its sights on not-so-comprehensive immigration reform
By Matthew Wright The Conversation For a moment, it looked as though 2018 might be the year that ended a three-decade streak of failure to pass so-called “comprehensive immigration reform.” On Jan. 11, a bipartisan group of six senators…
BlogBeat, zNew Headline
Study: 1 in 4 Latino Kids Have an Undocumented Immigrant Parent
By Eric Moreno Salud America Nearly 94% of the 18 million Latino kids living in the United States today were born here. Their moms and dads are a different story. About half of Latino kids have at least one…
Immigration, Politics, zNew Headline
Latino immigrant homicide victims are an inconvenient truth for the Trump administration
Marisa Treviño LatinaLista As any wise parent, teacher or leader knows — there are always two sides to every story. I was reminded of that basic fact when I heard President Trump declare during his hour-long speech to Congress…
BlogBeat, zNew Headline
In K-12, Children of Undocumented Immigrants Are a Growing Share of Students
By Natalie Gross Latino Ed Beat Children of undocumented immigrants represent a growing share of U.S. students in kindergarten through 12th grade, a Pew Research Center analysis of American Community Survey data shows. More than 7 percent of students in 2014 had at…
Immigration, Video/Art/Podcast, Videos, zNew Headline
Video: How one teacher keeps dreams afloat for the children of migrant farmworkers
LatinaLista — The life of a migrant farmworker may be one of the darkest blemishes on the U.S. labor market. As if it wasn’t bad enough that migrant workers, and their families, are exposed to dangerous pesticides, abusive employers,…
Crowdfunding, zNew Headline
Crowdfunder: Telling the story of a clinic of the people, for the people and a seed for change in communities across the USA
LatinaLista — Campaign: Salud Sin Papeles : Health Undocumented It all starts with Jason Odhner. Jason, a nurse and an activist, is a pioneer for his cause. He tears down walls that deny many in the undocumented community…
Crowdfunding, zNew Headline
Crowdfunder: Sending Freedom University’s undocumented students on college tours
LatinaLista — Campaign: Send Freedom University Students on College Tour! In 2010, the Georgia Board of Regents banned undocumented students from admission to the state’s top public universities simply because they are undocumented. For all other state colleges, they…
Social Justice, zNew Headline
Unaccompanied minors find refuge in San Antonio
By Sophia Campos VoiceBox Media On the Westside of San Antonio, Texas, along El Paso Street where men on bicycles sell paletas and among the early 20th century “shotgun” houses, sits the quaint church, Our Lady of Guadalupe. The church’s…
Film, Immigration, zNew Headline
The Deportation Of Innocence: A Look At America’s Broken Immigration System
By Belen Chacon LatinaLista When he was working late one day, Jaime asked his ex-wife if she could pick up his kids from school. Jaime’s wife never showed up, and when school employees got a hold of Jaime…
Community Stories, Midwest, zNew Headline
Expanding healthcare access to Chicago’s undocumented immigrants
By Alex V. Hernandez EXTRA! Providence of God Catholic Church’s auditorium was standing room only on Monday. Over 500 residents, community and faith leaders as well as elected officials were gathered at the Pilsen church for the launch…
Videos, zNew Headline
Video: Visiting Mexico brings unexpected truths to DREAMers searching for identity and country
LatinaLista — Undocumented students, otherwise known as DREAMers, have been signing petitions, staging hunger strikes, marches, rallies and risking arrest for several years now. They risk exposing their legal status in the United States for one common goal —…
Crowdfunding, zNew Headline
Crowdfunder: Sharing via film a journey from undocumented immigrant to successful artist and citizen
LatinaLista — Campaign: Prodigal Daughter – A Personal Documentary on Reconciliation A Peruvian-American artist conquers immigration hardship, trauma, and family isolation in this epic story of healing and reconciliation Prodigal Daughter tells the story of a filmmaker’s reconciliation with…
Local News, Southwest, zNew Headline
Court overturns Arizona law denying bail to immigrant felony suspects
By Camaron Stevenson Cronkite News WASHINGTON – A federal appeals court Wednesday overturned Arizona’s Proposition 100, saying the voter-approved law banning bail for felony suspects who are believed to be in this country illegally is unconstitutional on its face….
Local News, West, zNew Headline
New California Legislation Could Help Undocumented and Uninsured
By Dayanis Lorey EL NUEVO SOL Irma, at only 52 years of age, had to experience a hip replacement. For more than eight years, she has experienced health problems. She now depends economically on her eldest son because she…
Immigration, zNew Headline
Discovering just who are the 11.7 million undocumented. It’s not always whom we think
LatinaLista — There’s a lot of speculation, inside and outside the Beltway, as to exactly how President Obama will exercise his Executive powers to bypass Congressional inaction and institute real change in the nation’s immigration policies. Yet, most people…
Immigration, zNew Headline
Violence driving children out of Central America is new kind of war warranting US attention and intervention
LatinaLista — If news headlines are any barometer, the “humanitarian crisis” at the Texas-Mexico border that commanded media and political attention for the last month is no more. Reports out of southern Mexico reveal just how seriously Mexico’s President…
Immigration, zNew Headline
Obama administration declares surge at TX-Mexico border of unaccompanied minors a “humanitarian crisis”
LatinaLista — Fleeing life-threatening violence, extreme poverty or just wanting to be with their parents are reasons cited as to why there has been a 90 percent increase over last year of children from Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador and…
Local News, West, zNew Headline
Undocumented students get a helping hand from Raza educators
By Pablo J. Sáinz La Prensa San Diego When Jesus Mendez Carbajal started his college education at San Diego Mesa College a little bit more tan three years ago, his parents, with a lot of sacrifice, had to pay…
Videos, zNew Headline
Viernes Video: Broken promises to undocumented military veterans spurs new class of warriors
LatinaLista — It’s no accident that one of the requirements for granting citizenship to young DREAMers is that they serve in the military. There has been a long history of undocumented soldiers serving in the nation’s military, though official…
By Alexandra Garretón Mission Local On the Monday before taxes are due almost every seat in the waiting room at the Mission Economic Development Agency’s (MEDA) Free Tax Preparation Program was filled. As workers bustled around carrying big folders…
Social Justice, Videos, zNew Headline
Viernes Video: Al Jazeera English creates reality show thrusting ordinary Americans into the heart and death of undocumented immigration
LatinaLista — In the vein of MTV’s iconic “Real World” reality series, Al Jazeera English debuts a new series that could be said to literally follow in its predecessor’s footsteps. However, these footsteps have less to do with MTV…
Local News, Northeast, zNew Headline
Children of Deported Undocumented May End Up In Foster Care
Robert Held CTLatinoNews.com Children of undocumented immigrant parents who are facing deportation have begun becoming a bigger topic of the political debate, not only on a national level, but here in the state (Connecticut) as well. That’s because currently,…
Local News, U.S.-Mexico border, zNew Headline
Report: Rio Grande Valley has highest concentration of Hispanic voters in Texas
By Raul de la Cruz Rio Grande Guardian McALLEN, TX — There is a big difference between the total number of Hispanics living in the Rio Grande Valley and the number that are U.S. citizens, a new report shows….