May 16, 2023

Is Russia getting ready to go out with a ‘bang’? Or do they just want to annihilate all potential threat from Ukraine as it preps for a major counteroffensive? Either way, an overnight ‘exceptional’ air attack on Kyiv from Russian missiles fell short what Putin intended and could make the situation more dangerous; Today, the White House and House GOP meet to discuss the debt ceiling. Here are 5 things to know where the talks stand; Are corporations really on our side to reverse climate change or do profits take precedence?; Latino truckers just took a bold stand against FL Gov. DeSantis; and La Paz, Bolivia is crowned with a notable title. Go beyond the headlines…

Rising number of Americans are switching religions

Russia launches ‘exceptional’ air attack on Kyiv as Europe, China look to exert influence

Five things to know about where debt ceiling talks stand

How corporations use greenwashing to convince you they are battling climate change

Latino Truckers to Boycott Florida, Videos Show: ‘Will Not Be Going’

Proper chewing may lower blood sugar in people with diabetes

DNA study shows migration patterns of ancient Mexican civilizations much more complex than expected

Virtual veterinary care opens for business through new phone app

Land of no return: the Mexican city torn apart by cartel kidnappings

Why La Paz, Bolivia, is the most nature-friendly city in the world

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