Latina Lista > Causes > Social Justice > Heartbreaking video of reunited mother trying to hug her toddler. Look what happens.

Heartbreaking video of reunited mother trying to hug her toddler. Look what happens.

Marisa Treviño

Regular readers of Latina Lista have kindly noticed that I’ve been taking a little break. After 14 years of chronicling social injustices, I felt drained, even more so since Trump took office. Like many of you, I’ve been trying to wrap my mind around how a man so insecure, petty and full of hate could have hijacked his way into the one position in the country most of us thought was beyond breach.

The last entry I posted was about Trump finally relenting and signing an executive order to stop separating families captured at the border. At the time, I was concerned about how his administration planned to reunite the children already separated from their parents. Little did I foresee that the bigger problem for these parents would be after they reunited with their children.

The ACLU released a video of one mother reuniting with her toddler son. The images are heartbreaking and fill me with shame, extreme sadness — and anger!

As a citizen, I’m ashamed that my country perpetrated this humanitarian crime against innocent people who saw the US as a refuge from unspeakable violence in their home countries. As a mother, grandmother and human, I am chilled to my bones with sadness for this mother whose own son appears so traumatized he can’t even look at her.

As a voter, I’m angry that there is a president/administration and a party that not only endorsed this policy but have shown no empathy or concern for the consequences that are now surfacing from this inhumane act against children.

The following video only underscores the fact that the only way to eradicate this evil that exists in the highest offices in our country is to vote out any and all Republicans who stand with Trump. Reinstate a Democratic majority in Congress who will stand in his way as he takes joy in creating misery for too many.

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