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October 2, 2020

So, maybe Trump is a role model after all when it comes to masks! You think? And while many of us gave Melania Trump the benefit of the doubt when it came to supporting her husband’s anti-immigrant policies, new…


October 1, 2020

It’s no secret that Trump, a white supremacist, dislikes immigrants. It would have seemed his administration’s attempts to ban migrants from certain countries, separate migrant children from their parents, deny asylum waits on US soil, make it more expensive…


September 22, 2020

It’s confirmed. The only reason why Trump is in a hurry to replace Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s Supreme Court seat is because he thinks his pick will side with him when he contests the November election. The only remedy to…


September 21, 2020

It seems as we get closer to the November 3 election, Trump and his team are throwing out all the stops to garner votes, especially from Latinos. It’s no coincidence that after 3 years of suffering and insults from…


September 14, 2020

Historically, a presidential campaign centers on what that person will do differently to make the country better for everyone. Not the Trump campaign. It’s clear from his multiple Fox interviews that he has only one plan — to be…


September 9, 2020

This morning, several headlines tout the soft support Biden has among some Latinos. One of the latest polls shows Biden lagging Trump among Florida Latinos, in particular. However, the Biden campaign is drawing more displeasure from the Latino immigration…


July 16, 2020

Ivanka Trump revealed what job she may pursue after she leaves the White House — Goya Foods spokesperson! Somehow, in another sign of the Trump family’s disconnect with Latinos, Trump thinks by doubling down on the Goya food fight…


July 10, 2020

Latino tempers are boiling over at the CEO of Goya Foods and calling for a national boycott of the popular brand for what he said to Trump; The extra $600 unemployment compensation is coming to an end this month….


May 29, 2020

Last night, CNN reporter Omar Jimenez was arrested by State Patrol in Minneapolis as he covered the riots and chaos in response to the police killing of George Floyd. Though Jimenez showed his credentials and complied with all orders…


March 10, 2020

With news headlines preoccupied with the coronavirus, Super Tuesday elections and the cratering of the stock market, it’s easy to miss news of Trump White House’s latest immigration move: sending more than 100 troops to 2 particular points along…


March 5, 2020

It’s official. Latino voters turned out on Super Tuesday — and made a difference! Pew reveals that the majority of the 23 million eligible immigrant voters for 2020 election live in just 5 states; Oprah took her Book Club…


February 10, 2020

Not even a week after a colluding GOP senate refused to find Trump guilty of any wrongdoing, Trump continues on his path of deceiving America’s Middle Class into thinking he’s on our side. How? Well, he plans on asking…


February 5, 2020

Thankfully, expectations were low last night for Trump’s State of the Union address — and he didn’t disappoint. The usual lies, misleading statements, narcissistic declarations and juvenile behavior was on full display. For those of us who knew Trump’s…


January 10, 2020

A popular anecdotal theory as to why Trump’s core base of supporters stick with him, though they see he’s corrupt, a pathological liar, a divider and a narcissist, is because they think he will ‘preserve’ the white majority in…


December 9, 2019

We don’t need a higher ed degree to know that since Trump took office US standing in the world has plummeted. Though he dupes his believers otherwise, the rest of us who haven’t succumbed to the Trump cult can…


October 24, 2019

U.S. immigration policy continues to be source of shame. The latest revelations about teen immigrants and a Marine Corps vet should be enough to make people realize that the term ‘immigrant’ is not an abstract concept but is all…


October 16, 2019

It’s no surprise that Trump vetoed this bill; Immigrant victims of domestic violence fears are rising; Study highlights findings between academic achievement gap and racial discipline disparities; and Our national forests are in danger, not from climate change but…


October 11, 2019

In some parts of the country, Columbus Day is a big celebration. In other parts, not so much. In the latter areas, cities are creating an alternative that is catching on; The Trump administration is ramping up deportations for…


October 10, 2019

As if Trump wasn’t busy enough inflicting pain on the world, he now takes aim at DREAMers and wants the Supreme Court to listen to him; Speaking of Trump, the news network he considered his personal propaganda machine just…


October 2, 2019

The case of two bans. The difference between what FL and NY just banned couldn’t be more polar opposite and underscores how the fight for the moral soul of the country is Right vs. Left; Why watch Sunday morning…


September 27, 2019

Today, as the nation celebrates the observance of Native American Day, and hopefully remembers the forced separation of Native American children from their parents to “Indian schools,” a judge will hear arguments over the US detention of migrant children….


September 23, 2019

A judge (with a Latino surname) just told Trump something he’s not going to like. The question is: Will he ignore it or do what the judge says; So, why did a FL police officer arrest a 6 and…