Latina Lista > Causes > Philanthropy > Today’s Crowdfunding Campaign: Training co-operative coffee farmers in Chiapas to start their own roastery

Today’s Crowdfunding Campaign: Training co-operative coffee farmers in Chiapas to start their own roastery

LatinaLista —

Campaign: Training co-operative coffee farmers in Chiapas to start their own roastery

Li Maya coffee farmer’s cooperative began in 1996. It currently consists of 186 member families serving four municipalities in the border forest region of Chiapas, Mexico.

The cooperative currently sells most of its coffee as green beans for export, some of which is certified organic and fair trade. Their organic farming techniques help to preserve the heritage and natural beauty of the Comitan lakes region.

Close proximity to an emerging domestic market for specialty coffee and the recent acquisition of a coffee roaster has presented Li Maya with an unique opportunity to begin selling roasted, ground and packaged coffee to select local markets.

The per pound price received for roasted and ground coffee will be much higher then they can get for the green beans. This added value would dramatically improve the livelihoods of these farming families and the sustainability of their communities.

However the members of Li Maya require additional skills and experience to undertake a successful roastery wholesale operation.

Additionally they will require a high quality brand identity and marketing materials to support their sales growth.

The team at Planet Bean will be able to provide the training, experience and guidance necessary to help them become successful.

The campaign’s goal is $5,000 and ends July 12.

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