Latina Lista > General > Latino diversity at major television networks falls below expectations

Latino diversity at major television networks falls below expectations

LatinaLista– No wonder more and more Latinos are turning to the web to create their own series. The latest television diversity report card issued by the National Latino Media Council (NLMC) shows that there’s been extremely limited opportunity this year for Latinos in the television industry at any of the four major networks — CBS, NBC, ABC, FOX.


The 2010 NLMC Network Diversity Report Card Narrative found that when it comes to diversity within the networks it’s still an afterthought rather than a goal.

For years ABC has been a model network and in many respects, its commitment to diversity is healthy. However, this year ABC earned an overall grade of “B-” because it has slipped in several key areas, to include recurring and reality actors, directors and entertainment executives.

NBC is struggling with a pathetically low number of Latino actors on its scripted programming, and disappointing numbers of Latino writers, producers and directors.

NLMC congratulates CBS for earning the best overall grade of all of the networks for Latino diversity during the 2009-2010 television season. CBS did not receive any lower than a “B-” in any category, and overall it earned a “B+” grade. That said, CBS certainly has room for improvement. In particular, it must increase its number of Latino scripted regulars and Latino reality actors, as well as its Latino writers, producers and directors.

Fox’s numbers are very difficult to verify because it does not produce the names of the employees for which it takes credit. Lack of transparency has been an ongoing problem with Fox, and NLMC urges that Fox improve upon this next year. Latinos are underrepresented at Fox in several areas, including scripted actors, directors, and procurement. Fox’s overall grade is a “C+”.

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