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Video: Latino Evangelicals — a voting bloc in their own right

LatinaLista — Latinos are being hailed as the swing voters in the 2012 presidential election. Yet within the Latino electorate there is a sizable sub-group of voters — Latino Evangelicals. Numbering over 7 million, Latino Evangelicals voted for George W. Bush and Barack Obama in past elections. Their votes mattered.

This time around, the big question is: How will Latino Evangelicals vote?

A new Pew Hispanic Research study, Latinos, Religion and Campaign 2012, reports that Latino Evangelicals are divided:

Hispanic evangelical Protestants are more narrowly divided, with half supporting Obama (50%) and about four-in-ten supporting Romney (39%). This is in contrast with white, non-Hispanic evangelical Protestant registered voters, among whom a solid majority supports Romney (74%).

Rev. Gabriel Salguero, president of the National Latino Evangelical Coalition (NaLEC), discussed in an interview with Odyssey Networks the disappointments and expectations of each candidate and what would help either one of them win the Latino Evangelical vote.

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