Latina Lista > Media > Multimedia > New report draws a distinction between Latinos online and the “average Hispanic”

New report draws a distinction between Latinos online and the “average Hispanic”

LatinaLista — Across the country, 69 percent of all adults are now online. Within the Latino community, 54 percent are online.
It seems that Latinos have taken to the internet like Democrats to majority rule, and there’s no slowdown in sight.
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According to a new report, “The Power of the Hispanic Consumer Online,” published by Scarborough Research:

Forty-two percent of Hispanic Internet users have downloaded some kind of digital content — music, podcasts, video games — in the past month, compared to 35 percent of all Internet users — and they’re 21 percent more likely to download than the average adult online.
Music is the most popular download, with 32 percent of Hispanic users having downloaded music in the last month, while 11 percent downloaded audio clips. In video, 9 percent downloaded movies, 8 percent downloaded TV programs, and 17 percent other video. Three percent downloaded podcasts, and 6 percent downloaded video games.

Yet, there is one revelation that this study uncovered — the Latinos who access online activities have higher levels of education and higher incomes.
The report characterized these Latinos as not being the “average Hispanic.”
It begs the question: Should the average Hispanic be defined as having minimum education, living in poverty and technologically illiterate?
These conditions exist within all demographic groups.
Maybe the better question should be: Does an average Hispanic even exist?

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  • tomas
    March 21, 2009 at 7:18 pm

    Does an average Hispanic even exist?
    I am sure mathematically they do (and certain industries depend on it and even try and create it) but in real life who is average or normal, not me and not you.
    As always :: nice angle or non-average viewpoint

  • Adriana
    March 23, 2009 at 2:17 pm

    Could not agree with you more!

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