Latina Lista > Media > Videos > Video: Women of Mala Maña create music to share passion for social truths and justice

Video: Women of Mala Maña create music to share passion for social truths and justice

LatinaLista — In 2009, a group of talented, musical friends got together and decided that they should pool their talents and voices together to do good for their Albuquerque community. They formed the all-female voice and percussion ensemble known as Mala Maña.

Performing Latin, African and mixed-global rhythms, the cross-cultural group of nine friends perform original and traditional songs with the goal of reaching “a cross-cultural demographic of all age groups, ethnicities and musical interests while exploring different genres.”

…we use music as a medium for healing, empowerment, and entertainment. Mala Maña is built upon a deep love and respect for music and each other with a shared passion for social truths and justice.

Mala Maña’s music is available on their Facebook page and website. The group recently appeared at a TEDx seminar in Albuquerque where they shared their unique style, voices and passion.

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