Latina Lista: News from the Latinx perspective > Media > Videos > Video: Cuban American author Cristina Garcia hears ‘conversations’ in Spanish but tells stories in English

Video: Cuban American author Cristina Garcia hears ‘conversations’ in Spanish but tells stories in English

LatinaLista — The importance of language can never be underestimated, especially for authors. Yet, for the scribes of our time, language means more than just words strung together to convey a thought or a scene. For bilingual writers, language adds a dimension to their works in not just conveying their stories but their perspective of the world.

In the featured video, award-winning Cuban-American writer Cristina García discusses issues of language, translation, and the roles of Spanish and English in her work with Professor Andrew Lynch at the University of Miami. The author of five novels: Dreaming in Cuban, The Agüero Sisters, Monkey Hunting, A Handbook to Luck, and The Lady Matador’s Hotel, Garcia’s work has been nominated for a National Book Award and translated into fourteen languages. She is the recipient of a Guggenheim Fellowship, a Whiting Writers’ Award, a Hodder Fellowship at Princeton University, and an NEA grant, among others.

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