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October 25, 2021

It’s getting clearer and clearer that the pandemic changed the world in so many fundamental ways that historians may…

October 22, 2021

Inequality should be the buzzword of the pandemic era. The pandemic exposed how deeply inequality runs in our society…

October 21, 2021

It’s safe to say that the ‘state of immigration’ is in flux. With old Trump-era policies being reinstated by…

October 20, 2021

For years, Latinos have been touted as the ‘sleeping giant.’ Our growing numbers have been ‘weaponized’ to threaten politicians…

October 19, 2021

They say things get better with time. Unfortunately, that may only apply to wine. Nowhere is that more evident…

October 15, 2021

Intelligence reports warn of migrant caravans forming in countries in Latin America. Their destination is, of course, the US….