Latina Lista > News > April 13, 2020

April 13, 2020

As we settle down into our regular routines, too many of us are finally realizing that having a savings account is a necessity and credit isn’t all bad if handled responsibly. We should come out of this a lot smarter about our finances but a new report shows that Latino wealth is in greater jeopardy than ever before; Is anyone surprised that all the promises Trump made since his emergency declaration has taken this turn?; and Facebook just launched this to keep couples connected. Go beyond the headlines…

Coronavirus could ‘decimate’ Latino wealth, which was hammered by the Great Recession

A Month After Emergency Declaration, Trump’s Promises Largely Unfulfilled

Trump admin looks to cut farmworker pay to help industry during pandemic: report

Millions of taxpaying immigrants won’t get stimulus checks

12 Delicious Ways to Use Frozen Veggies for Meal Prep

Burger King giving students free Whoppers for solving questions amid coronavirus school closings

Ozone hole three times the size of Greenland opens over the North Pole

Facebook launches a new app to keep couples connected

In Mexico, beach towns block themselves off because of virus

Colombia hopes for ‘humanitarian’ ceasefire during coronavirus as violence resurges

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