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October 8, 2020

Another debate and another show of how much the Trump-Pence administration has little value for truth and honesty, respect for women, science or a commitment to a peaceful transition of power, among other issues. What this administration does value…


October 5, 2020

The state of the President’s health remains unknown, even though his staff, campaign manager and doctors want us to think otherwise. If it were not for the fact that reporters caught the White House and the President’s medical team…


September 28, 2020

News that Trump hasn’t paid his taxes for a decade, according to the New York Times discovery, didn’t surprise many Americans. In fact, most intelligent people assumed it was the case. Yet, the extent that he’s been getting away…


September 24, 2020

It’s a distant memory that the United States used to be a world leader in publicly condemning authoritarian leaders and sanctioning those same countries. Yet, Trump and his administration are increasingly trying to dismantle US democracy to let Trump…


September 21, 2020

It seems as we get closer to the November 3 election, Trump and his team are throwing out all the stops to garner votes, especially from Latinos. It’s no coincidence that after 3 years of suffering and insults from…


September 15, 2020

The attack on the nation’s compassionate immigration policy continues to be under assault. An appeals court just granted another Trump administration anti-immigration wish; No secret the wildfires in the West are wreaking havoc on the economy, environment and health…


September 9, 2020

This morning, several headlines tout the soft support Biden has among some Latinos. One of the latest polls shows Biden lagging Trump among Florida Latinos, in particular. However, the Biden campaign is drawing more displeasure from the Latino immigration…


September 3, 2020

How can you tell if someone is following the conspiracy-theory-of-choice these days, otherwise known as QAnon? One of the crazy things they believe is that the economy is “the best” it’s ever been. Yeah, right. They obviously don’t understand…


August 31, 2020

These days, the media is focusing on two P words: pandemic and polls. Most of us try to keep up with the latest news on the pandemic but only catch up on polls when heard on the news. While…


August 24, 2020

If the Trump White House issues policy with white supremacy overtones and spouts rhetoric associated with the hateful group, chances are there are white supremacists IN the White House, not counting Trump. So, a new accusation about the child…


August 19, 2020

A new bipartisan Senate report reveals how Trump and his close allies actually did what the Mueller Report found – and lied under oath to protect themselves from being discovered for having contact with the Russians during the 2016…


August 12, 2020

While many are celebrating Vice-President Biden’s selection of Sen. Kamala Harris as his VP choice, headlines underscore how life is propelling forward with a renewed sensitivity of oppressive policies, discriminatory practices and blatant racist attitudes. For example, Facebook finally…


August 11, 2020

The Trump administration continues targeting migrant children. New report highlights how low this administration continues to fall when it comes to treatment of these most vulnerable children; The debacle in Puerto Rico’s Sunday election shows just how badly an…


June 24, 2020

#FindVanessaGuillen.The ‘Peddler-in-Chief-of Fake-News’ declared his biggest claim to fame – the border wall – was “foolproof.” There are other factors preventing immigration into the US (asylum denials, COVID-19, etc.) that ‘trumps’ any wall. But for those still desperate enough…


June 10, 2020

As we wait to see how the Supreme Court will decide the fate of DREAMers, Democrats open an investigation into why Trump administration denied DACA recipients this basic necessity; The military has long enjoyed the service of Latino, Native…


June 9, 2020

Perhaps one of the most blatant examples of how racism has a historically systemic hold in this country is the KKK, and why it’s never been declared a domestic terrorist group; Global leaders are about to commit something never…


June 1, 2020

During a time of national crisis, it is customary that a country’s leader addresses the pain, outrage and desperation of its people. Instead our leader calls for a “MAGA” night at the White House to counter protesters. The implication…


May 27, 2020

That in this democracy, anyone would be against facilitating every citizen’s civic duty of voting is a red flag that their intentions are sinister. No wonder Joe Biden’s campaign just created a new position on his campaign staff; Trump…


May 19, 2020

Just when you thought there wasn’t anything that could surprise us anymore from this administration, this comes out (hint: it’s the first headline); Every business and organization is losing money these days and scrambling to make up for the…


May 11, 2020

Stores are getting crowded. Hair salons are taking appointments. Dentists are calling back patients. Life is getting back to normal — or is it? One prominent virus modeler warns that life getting back to normal may not be so…


May 7, 2020

Trump and his administration’s credibility in relaying the facts about COVID-19 is steadily dropping. The stunt they pulled yesterday sure didn’t help; Local lawmakers have an “outsized” task for the Justice Dept.; Why the new school sexual assault rules…


April 23, 2020

By now, most (critics) of the Trump administration understand Trump’s sudden ban on immigrant arrivals – keeping his 2016 promise to his base. A new Politico report quoting overworked DOJ workers seem to back up that assumption. One worker…


April 21, 2020

Overnight, Trump declared he was “suspending immigration” into the U.S. Is it a prudent move or maybe retaliation for some countries refusing to accept deported immigrants from US; This amid a federal judge ordered ICE to release detainees at…


April 13, 2020

As we settle down into our regular routines, too many of us are finally realizing that having a savings account is a necessity and credit isn’t all bad if handled responsibly. We should come out of this a lot…


March 24, 2020

Though Trump is eager to get people back to work, a.k.a. raise the stock market, the reality is clear — only fools defy health experts who say the worst is yet to come. Unfortunately, that doesn’t help events unfolding…