Latina Lista > News > April 19, 2022

April 19, 2022

I thought it was decided that separating children from their parents at the border was a very bad idea. Yet, reports are surfacing that that is exactly what is still happening and this time it’s to Ukrainian children; Politico teamed up with an election predictor as to who will win upcoming elections and Dems may have a lot to worry about; Is there no place safe from racial disparities? Apparently not, not even in the bedroom it seems; and Space station astronauts received a very special visitor a la Star Trek invention. Go beyond the headlines…

Ukraine says phase two of the war has begun as Russia begins offensive in the Donbas

Ukrainian children are being separated from extended family at the U.S.-Mexico border

Politico: We rated every race in play in 2022. This is who we think will win.

These are the airlines dropping mask mandates after a Trump-appointed judge struck down the requirement

Prayer, worship lift unaccompanied migrant teens in shelters

There are racial disparities in how much sleep people get

Hologram doctors beamed to space station to visit astronauts

New app hopes to spur tourism through virtual visits of heritage sites

Mexico’s AMLO cries treason as opposition parties vote down electricity reform

EXCLUSIVE U.S., Cuba to hold high-level migration talks in Washington

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