Latina Lista > News > April 19, 2023

April 19, 2023

There’s a new world leader in population and it’s the one country where many US jobs have been outsourced; Climate change is accelerating and beginning to affect us all in visible and measurable ways. From displacing people from their homes to causing water shortages and now, food shortages. Scientists warning us all to get used to cauliflower rice since the biggest global rice shortage is here; Seems NASA is being outmaneuvered by a group of robotic students; and Ever daydream while working out that you’re a Marvel Superhero on a mission to work out before battling evil villains? Well, even if you don’t, there’s a new exercise app that brings our Marvel superheroes’ exercise regimes home. Go beyond the headlines…

Biden administration developing plan to get Covid vaccines to the uninsured

India population to surpass China by mid-2023 – UN

Supreme Court conservatives seem divided in major religion case

Global rice shortage is set to be the biggest in 20 years

Record 64M Americans facing daily spikes in deadly particle pollution

How to Watch the Spectacular Lyrid Meteor Shower

Students set to land first robotic US rover on the moon — before NASA

Marvel’s new fitness app Marvel Move brings superheroes to your workout routine

Nazi-fighting charros? Mexico’s forgotten WW II defense force

‘Rights crisis’: Amnesty report documents abuses in Nicaragua

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