Latina Lista > News > April 29, 2022

April 29, 2022

Though I’ve striven to keep attention on Ukraine’s invasion, things are happening on this side of the world that needs our attention as well. Namely, there are changes, some swift, others subtle, happening south of our border. Things we thought were steadfast aren’t anymore. For example, assuming every Latin American is Catholic is not true anymore. In fact, it hasn’t been true for quite some time. What’s also becoming apparent is that Mexico’s political trajectory is heading into a direction that the US was able to avert with the 2020 election. Time will tell if there’s enough political will for the same to happen in Mexico; The US economy shrank and the economy is slowing, and while most average Americans are feeling the hit there’s group(s) who are reaping off the misery; Heard of all those over-zealous parents who want to protect everyone’s children by deeming which books should be banned in schools? Oddly, those books happen to be about LGBTQ children or some books by authors of color. Well, Latino authors are fighting back and will be caravanning to fight book bans; Don’t like how anyone can find info on you via Google? Now, you can do something about it; and Scientists deliver an apocalypytic warning for ocean species. Go beyond the headlines…

UN Sec. Guterres ‘shocked’ at Russian attack on Kyiv during visit 

Former US Marine killed in Ukraine after signing up to fight Russians

Drop In U.S. Immigration Further Tightens Labor Market

Yes, US economy may be slowing, but don’t forget it’s coming off the hottest year since 1984 – here’s who benefited in 4 charts

Latino authors, activists set to caravan against book bans

Black Moon Solar Eclipse: How and When to Watch Live Online

Ocean life projected to die off in mass extinction if emissions remain high

Google now lets you request the removal of personal information from Search

Mexican president seeks to tighten grip with electoral system overhaul

The decline of Catholicism in Latin America

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