April 30, 2020

Yesterday, it was reported that Trump ordered the Pentagon to pull money from overseas projects towards building the border wall. While he contemplates possibly losing in November, he’s determined to leave office with reminders of his inhumane legacy. In the meantime, his immigration policy is still killing, literally, hundreds of innocent people who only want a better way of life for themselves and their families. For example: ICE Moved Dozens Of Detainees Across The Country During The Coronavirus Pandemic. Now Many Have COVID-19; For those of us experiencing layoffs, the hunt for insurance coverage is confusing; One Latin American country emerging as the next hotspot, and their president doesn’t seem to care. Go beyond the headlines…

Court upholds Trump’s coronavirus immigration ban

Emboldened Democrats push for immigrant relief in next coronavirus response

ICE Moved Dozens Of Detainees Across The Country During The Coronavirus Pandemic. Now Many Have COVID-19.

Spike in US deaths and cases flagged as pneumonia suggest even greater COVID-19 impact

A mostly Latino border county in Texas has a winning game plan to tackle coronavirus

Laid-off US workers face foreign world of insurance shopping

U.S. economy contracts at fastest pace since Great Recession, worse still to come

Shopify launches Shop, a new mobile app to buy local

US weighs restricting travel from Brazil amid fears it may be next coronavirus hot spot

Bolivia creates medicinal plant steam rooms to reinforce people’s immune systems against COVID-19

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