On the heels of the New York Times confirmation of what many suspected of Trump and his nonpayment of federal taxes, tonight’s presidential debate only adds to the public’s low expectations of Trump. Trump won’t get away with ‘stage-stalking’…
Historically, a presidential campaign centers on what that person will do differently to make the country better for everyone. Not the Trump campaign. It’s clear from his multiple Fox interviews that he has only one plan — to be…
More economists are alerting the nation to all the inequities this particular recession is laying bare. From unequal opportunities in wealth-building to inequality in healthcare access, the notion that we are an equal opportunity nation is increasingly exposed as…
Starting the week with good news — the national teen birthrate is on the decline! The bad news — just not for Latina and Black teens; Did the Supreme Court just give Native Americans back half of Oklahoma? It’s…
#PrayforVanessaGuillen.Strong rumors surfacing that the remains of missing Fort Hood soldier Vanessa Guillen may have been found. Searches are being called off;That the United States has fallen so low in global leadership and standing isn’t just evident with the…
Trump’s immigration restrictionists have had a field day during the pandemic in contorting the nation’s immigration policies to fit their goal of eliminating Mexican migration. First, they blamed migrants. Now, they have a new target. This time, they could…
Studies show that Latinos are among those disproportionately affected by the COVID-19 economic shutdown. Yet, there are rights and resources laid off Latinos should know about; New healthcare study found Latinos have had something in particular happen to them…
If it’s CORONAvirus time, it’s Cinco de Mayo! Though big public gatherings are prohibited, we can still celebrate by watching livestreaming celebrations. One is even combining the usual celebration with a fundraiser for farmworkers. Check out the list; While…
Yesterday, it was reported that Trump ordered the Pentagon to pull money from overseas projects towards building the border wall. While he contemplates possibly losing in November, he’s determined to leave office with reminders of his inhumane legacy. In…
The coronavirus is like a spider in that it has many ‘legs’ of consequence: layoffs, health risks, business closings, school closings, family separations, etc. A new report tries to quantify just how many jobs are at risk; Scientists are…
Once again, pundits and political organizers touted the expectation that the Latino ‘sleeping giant’ voter was now awake. Popular assumption was that we were awake to vote for Bernie Sanders, but a little-noticed poll last month predicted the majority…
Revelations of how deeply corrupt and lawless the Trump administration actually is ceases to surprise us anymore as much as it viscerally disgusts those of us who truly understand the history of our democracy, the ideals that have stood…
Not even a week after a colluding GOP senate refused to find Trump guilty of any wrongdoing, Trump continues on his path of deceiving America’s Middle Class into thinking he’s on our side. How? Well, he plans on asking…
As the rational world knows, Trump’s policies are far from “perfect.” The latest proof is the policy one judge just permanently blocked; Stories have trickled out that ICE officers are unnecessarily rough towards immigrants in detention centers. Now, there…
In this day and age, the words, actions and example of Martin Luther King, Jr. take on added significance. As the allies of this White House continuously fight to thwart justice for the nation, it can seem to many…
Almost every headline touts Joe Biden as the frontrunner among Latino voters. That could be the reason why Latino outreach has taken a back burner to other campaign outreach efforts. Whatever the reason, it was enough for Biden’s senior…
President Trump’s campaign team thinks his ongoing rally appearances will seal political wins for himself in 2020 and those he endorses. The reality is slowly sinking in and a new study just put another hole in that expectation; Child…
Today is ‘D Day’ for thousands of undocumented young people who were raised believing they were ‘American,’ though what that term really means these days is elusive. For instance, the AP reports that the US, once a defender of…
A new study highlights something most Latinos already know: we worry a lot. Is it any wonder? Whether it’s 700,000 immigrants lighting candles that the Supreme Court looks kindly on DACA; Or mass shootings or the increasing unaffordability of…
The Internet marks 50 years old. While there are critics who lament the use of the byproducts of the internet, namely social media, there’s no denying that it’s been a godsend for grassroots organizing among human rights groups and…
The nation should feel the depth of shame and heartache caused by the Trump’s admin policy of separating children. It is worse than we thought; Awesome news that students are registering to vote in record numbers but if GOP…
By Johanna Mendelson Forman The Conversation Latin America’s economy has grown enormously over the past two decades. However, unemployment in the region still hovers at 8 percent, double that of the United States. Youth joblessness is even higher –…
Crowdfunding, zNew Headline
Crowdfunder: Helping Bolivian school children pedal their way to academic success
LatinaLista — In Third World countries, consistent access to electricity can be tricky, if not impossible for those remote villages and their residents. One non-profit in Bolivia has created a reliable source of electricity for people and it takes…
NewsMundo, zNew Headline
Bolivian governor gives employees “alarming” reminder to get to work on time
LatinaLista — Spanish-speaking countries are known as much for their laid-back, I’ll-get-there-when-I-get-there attitude as they are for their tradition of daytime siestas. But one governor in Bolivia has had it with employees arriving to work on “Bolivian Time.” Víctor…
NewsMundo, zNew Headline
Bolivia set to lead the world in creating “subways in the sky”
LatinaLista — In a growing number of countries around the world, governments are looking at cable cars as the latest mode of public transportation. While this “subway in the sky” is mostly associated with ski resorts, cable cars are…