August 12, 2024

It’s that time of year, or soon to be (depending on where you live in the country) for the sound of early morning screeching school bus brakes, flashing school zone speed limit signs and hordes of children streaming across the roads on their way into and out of schools. Yes, another school year has begun but a new survey reveals that for many graduating high school students this will be the last time they’ll be toting textbooks and backpacks; Russia is angry at Ukraine for actually bringing the war into their country. Imagine that?! They don’t like their building being bombed, their citizens threatened and displaced or their beautiful countryside being torn apart. No one thought Russia would sit idly by and watch it happen but Ukraine’s President Zelensky reports Russia’s retaliation is worse than bombs-dropping drones; Economists agree that something is brewing in the US economy, but what? One thing is certain: Unemployed Americans are multiplying and it’s not as easy finding that new job as it used to be; Archeologists jus found the world’s oldest solar calendar; and As we saw in the recently completed Paris Olympics, women are just as good at sports – can’t believe I have to reiterate this – and enjoy being ‘one with nature’ as their gender counterparts. Unfortunately, it’s not always safe for women, and men, to venture out solo. Now, women who want to explore the outdoors don’t have to go it alone – thanks to a new app. Go beyond the headlines…

New survey shows more high school students skipping college

Russia sets Ukrainian nuclear power plant on fire, says Zelenskyy

New data shows violent crime dropping sharply in major U.S. cities

It’s Taking Unemployed Americans More Than a Year to Find a New Job

The US government wants to make it easier for you to click the ‘unsubscribe’ button

The world’s oldest solar calendar may have been unearthed in Turkey

Researcher designs robot to help children cross streets safely

New app helps women find community and connection via the outdoors

How a Mexico City hospital transforms into a coming-of-age celebration for its patients

Almost 90% of the Cuban population lives in ‘extreme poverty’ according to new study

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