August 21, 2023

The aftermath of the anti-abortion frenzy is taking a toll — on the survival rates of pregnant women; Food inflation is a real threat to the thousands who can’t afford to buy food AND pay their bills. Now, the government is enacting big changes to SNAP, the federal food assistance program. Some will like the changes and others…; Looking for a new car at an affordable price? Your options are limited; The Southwest is enduring deadly temperatures. Temps that are forcing many to take refuge in their homes or cooling centers. With scientists telling us to get used to these conditions, others are pondering an alternative lifestyle for humankind not just to avoid the heat, but survive; Habla español? If you do, you’ve got an advantage in your ‘senior’ years; and Guatemala just elected a new president vowing to be tough on corruption. Many hope he lives to be able to follow through on his promise. Go beyond the headlines…

Risk of death related to pregnancy and childbirth more than doubled between 1999 and 2019 in the US, new study finds

Russia-Ukraine war live: Zelenskiy warns Russia’s neighbours are ‘under threat’ if Ukraine does not win war

SNAP changes coming Sept. 1

Looking for a new car under $20,000? Good luck. Your choice has dwindled to just one vehicle

Medical debt is squeezing the middle class, report says

Could Humans Live Underground to Survive Climate Change?

Why bilinguals may have a memory advantage—new research

New app TypeKita lets Filipino writers turn their passion into profit

How Gang Violence Is Shaking Up Ecuador’s Election

Guatemala’s anti-corruption candidate wins presidency in a landslide vote

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