August 23, 2024

History was made last night in American politics. For the first time, a woman-of-color officially accepted the nomination from a major political party. Of course, I’m talking about Kamala (KAH-muh-luh) Harris. The expectations are unfairly higher for Kamala than they are for her opponent and she knows it. As the first woman and the first person of both Black and South Asian descent in this role, she carries the weight of representation for millions of Americans. Every move she makes, every word she speaks, will be scrutinized through the lens of both race and gender in ways her opponent will never experience. Yet, despite these added pressures, she has already shown she knows how to fight back, defend and accomplish her objectives without sacrificing her integrity; It started with a sore throat and an overall feeling just ‘crummy.’ Nothing unusual, I thought. After all, it’s summer and I’m routinely going in and out of air-conditioned places while limiting my time in scorching temperatures. In the past, the quick temperature change has always cursed me with catching the dreaded summer cold. Somehow, a cold in summer always feels worse than catching one in the winter. But this “summer cold” felt different. It was different enough that a little voice told me to test myself for Covid. I did. It was positive. I wasn’t the only one. As I spent the next 10 days recuperating, I heard from family and friends who also were stuck in bed due to Covid. The CDC warned they were seeing a resurgence of Covid, and they are right. The bottom line: new Covid vaccines are coming and they recommend we all get vaccinated in September. Covid may not feel as intense as before but it’s just as debilitating and who has time for that?; A discovery was just made in Botswana that could change the ‘fortunes’ of this small, impoverished African country; and A new study sheds light on just how mosquitos find us. Go beyond the headlines…

New Survey Confirms Military Service Is a Financial Differentiator

Cease-fire deal collapse threatens to ignite Middle East conflict 

Harris makes her case to voters as she accepts historic Democratic nomination

A recession is coming in the U.S., and ‘a few rate cuts’ won’t prevent it, says strategist

New COVID Vaccines Coming From Pfizer, Moderna Amid ‘Very High’ US Spread

The biggest diamond in over a century is found in Botswana — a whopping 2,492 carats

Mosquitoes sense infrared from body heat to help track humans down, study shows

New tribal fish consumption app guides users in safe fish-eating choices throughout the Great Lakes waterways.

US ambassador to Mexico calls proposed judicial overhaul a democracy ‘risk’ and economic threat

Venezuela’s top court ratifies Maduro election win as government tightens control

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